Monday, October 24, 2016

TGFA (Thank Goodness for Amazon)

I hope you found my first meal plan helpful and were successful by shopping on a budget! I had to make an extra trip to the store for more fruit, milk and Oreos.... you know, necessities.. ;)
Please send me any feedback on what things worked or did not work for you!
Anyway, check back next week for my 2nd meal plan!

In the mean time, I thought I would share some of the ways I save on household goods!

We live 30 minutes away from a Walmart and about an hour away from anything else... lame. So, we have Amazon Prime! Honestly, I'm not sure how we ever managed without it.

~Every month our dog food for the month is delivered to my front door. We buy expensive dog food because our dogs are spoiled but I save about $10 a bag through Amazon.
~Every 3 months, 36 "family rolls" of Cottonelle toilet paper arrives for less than $20! Sometimes as low as $15. They say the 36 family rolls equates 86 regular size rolls. I don't know about that but it does last us about 3 months or so.
Diapers are usually a couple dollars less from Amazon. I don't subscribe to them personally because I just order whatever happens to be most affordable at the time.
Clothes, replacement tooth brush heads (generic), toys, baby items, health items, beauty goods, gifts... You find it in my house- there's a 75% chance it came from Amazon.

Next, I need to try the new Amazon buttons! Have you seen those?? They seem incredible. Lets say you use Tide laundry detergent, so you order a Tide Amazon button and place it on your dryer. (the button is $4.99 initially) When you realize you're running low on laundry soap, you just PUSH the button and boom, it's ordered! You'll have tide on your door step in about 2 days if you have Prime. Crazy, right?
Even cooler, Amazon just started Amazon Fresh and in certain areas (for now) you can order your groceries and have them delivered in cooler bags for $15 a month. I may be on a budget but if Mountain Home ever enters the 21st century, you better believe my groceries would be hand delivered to my porch. Not dragging toddlers to the store? Here! Take my money!

In summary, Amazon runs my house.

Now is a great time to try Amazon Prime as the holidays approach. One year, I shipped a box of gifts from Idaho to Kansas for Christmas and it cost me nearly $50. FIFTY DOLLARS! You know how much I could have bought for $50? That's almost a year of toilet paper!
Anyway, lesson learned and since then I order gifts from Amazon and ship them directly to the person -for free! But they have to wrap their own gift and I don't get to make it cute and stuff... but I don't think people mind too much.

Well, now that I've sounded like a giant billboard for Amazon -not my intentions... it's a huge help to keep me on budget. I don't know about you but if I walk into a store for one thing, I usually walk out with about 5 more items I don't need.. That in addition to the convenience, video and music streaming and quick shipping- sanity saver!

What are your favorite Amazon deals??

-The Cheap Mama

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