Thursday, October 13, 2016

Meal Planning!

One of my most successful money (and sanity) saving tips is meal planning!
Once I started meal planning I easily cut my grocery bill in half!

For some clarity, I think meal 'planning' and meal 'prepping' are terms that get used interchangeably, when they are pretty different in reality.
Meal planning is creating a menu, grocery list and recipes to follow.
While meal prepping is actually preparing those meals ahead of time. 
Meal prepping definitely has its benefits! Busy week ahead? Meal prep! Having a hard time fixing or eating lunch? Meal prep! 

Now that we've got that out of the way, my goal with this blog is to encourage and assist in meal planning!
I am going to do the hard part for you!
Every two weeks I will share my meal plans, grocery list and links to every recipe I have planned! Just visit the blog, print, shop, save and cook! 
Typically, I try to plan a variety of options to avoid being heavy in one area or another. For example, I do a few chicken meals, beef meals, pork and vegetarian all while keeping a good balance of healthy and splurges here and there!
I set a goal to spend no more than $300 a month to feed my family of 4 (2 adults, a toddler that eats like a frat boy and a baby that's new to this whole food thing!)

In addition to sharing my meal plans, I hope to share tips and deals I utilize to keep me on budget while tossing in some mommy-centered fun!

I am excited to begin this journey and hope others find this page has helpful as I intend it to be! Check back soon for my first week of meal plans!

The Cheap Mama ;) 

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